Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hand held lie detector (msnbc originally posted)

Lets get realistic here hand held lie detector now how the hell is that gonna help our soldiers, dont you think terrorist already trained to pass lie detector tests and besides what about the language issuses and speech patterns of arabs couldnt the rolling or the Rs produce vibrations that could be missed read as shakyness associated with lying, besides the obvious that this piece of equipment is ill tested and seems very limited in its actuall capabilities i dont think its suitable to have our soldiers further be used as dumbiest to test the latest craze it just is'nt worth it.
It surely would be funny to see soldiers walking up to everyone asking hey are you a terrorist, speak your answer into this, or wait before you answer can i just clip this little wire to your finger that might just cause some more uneccessary animosity. why dont we try giving it to cops here in the states. wouldnt that be funny cop saying hey buddy were you speeding back there awhile ago, ofcourse you were i left my speed gun at the station but guess what i have my lie detector. i dont know what do you think i welcome your comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we should test something like this on politicians hook them up when they are on the podium and then project the results on huge screen so we can monitor them, I think that would work