Tuesday, April 8, 2008

PG or just let it all hang

Internet, how did we ever manage without it, damn it, its all here everything you need to see and know is available in the WURL. No longer do you have to go out and embarrassingly rent porno, now you can stream it over a broadband connection, hell you can even be a true pervert and watch live camera feeds while the stuff is going on frankly thats a perverts dream come true.
My question though is before now it was harder for our kids to access porn sure there were loads of magazines they could steal or the occasional glance at videoS, but now its totally free and worst of all the kids are quite more technically advanced than most adults believe it or not. Now when your finish reading this try this simple exercise go to www.Google.com or even www.yahoo.com
two of the most popular search engines click on images as search criteria then let your mind loose think of anything sexual, no matter how sick and disgusting it might be and hit enter. If your safe search is on, its gonna tell you that its on, why the hell should it do that if you placed it there to protect your kids, kids aren't stupid they are gonna follow the simple easy step of clicking and turning it on tad ah, if they can turn on a television or better yet if they can read and can turn on the stupid computer then they can turn on and off the flipping so called porn filter DUH!!
Pree (take a look ) the one i think to be the most funniest of all is the one where they say over 18 click here and under 18 click here, now come on even a blind man could log on to that site anyway if you click on under 18 and the site closes what are you gonna do, go to another site, no your gonna log on back and choose the next best option over 18 DUH!! I dont think they are letting it all hang they are just showing the bulge lol.
what are your views

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