Friday, April 11, 2008

Salute the mungrels

For all those poodle lovers and pedigree lovers get this seems like mongrels have there uses too they were used in Russia in the 1950's as space pioneers yeah. Bet your dumb ass poodle couldn't survive a flight like that. No first class dogie biscuit flight. Scientist wanted to see what the effects of space travel would be on living things and apart from the fact that they were useless strays the rose to the challenge and did so well. So while spots was hanging around a darn fire truck the MONGRELS were reaching a new hight. I wonder though why didn't they use like a pit bull or something a mean wouldn't they seem like a more suitable candidate being so big they are the soldiers of the dog world, like if you have a poodle you should have a pit bull to be the body guard lol . Anyway salute the mongrels i wonder if cats ever had any great en devours cat lovers hit me up I'm curios to know and also what the hell has a poodle done besides looking cute. Its almost like having a trophy wife thats not good in bed and cant cook a good meal either. lol

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