Sunday, April 13, 2008

one million blog list

now this guy has ingenious plan of seeing if he can get a list with one million bloggers well i listed my blog there. The question is do you really think its possible he a has a poll but guess what I'm having my own poll as well because i really wanna see for myself, not that i really doubt that her will reach 1 million currently he is 91, but the way the WURL is moving i think he will be there soon. People nowadays like my self (odd isn't it me criticizing my self well guess what i have always been my biggest critic so I'm not surprise) blog about everything believe there is a blog in the WURL for everything, i saw this funny one the other day a blog about a cat, good gracious a blog about a cat. everyday this guy takes pictures of his cat and post them on his blog you know pics of the cat doing everyday stuff maybe a little tweaking to make it look funny but thats besides the point now get this. I wanted to see what the top ten blogs in the WURL was about and guess what that cat blog was either number 21 or 25 don't quite remember but what the hell it does matter because it made top fifty. So of all stuff people like to blab about and then blog the top 25 in the wurl of most read is about a cat. urrrrrrr. I have however concluded thou that bloggers are people who have something to say no matter what but dont have the courage or maybe just did'nt get to make it to the papers or simply put it they are failed writers who has just found the ideal way to make a come back lol


Tairebabs said...

ahhh blogging about animals...well when i first started blogging I hated to see blogs that where only made up of pictures then I came across animal blogs and well... lets just say I complained too soon. But I guess thats truly is the fun about blogging, you can post just about anything!

Todi Wurl said...

tairebabs thats definately true people blog about anything and as i said before that what blogging means i guess maybe they should have called it blabbing